*************************** BEGINNING OF HELP.TXT **************************** The Computer Jockey's Customized Workout Programming and graphics by Carol L. Standley Copyright (c) 1992-1994, Panda-Graphics Inc., All Rights Reserved The registered version has at least 38 exercises, 12 exercise routine files, and a 23-page user's manual for quick and easy reference. *************************** F1-----HELP FUNCTION *************************** This is the first page of the on-line help for The Computer Jockey's Customized Workout (or Get Off Your Butt and Exercise). ********************** BUILDING YOUR EXERCISE ROUTINES ********************** Each exercise routine file (1 to 4, 1 to 12 in registered version) can have up to 14 records. Each record contains the exercise information: exercise#, reps (repetitions of the exercise), sets ( repetitions of the same exercise#), and music# (the number of a musical composition to accompany the exercise). Exercise routine files are saved in the ROUT*.SYB file format. Begin building your routines using the SAVE (F3) function. **************************** SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ***************************** PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE SECTION ON SAFETY PRECAUTIONS BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO EXERCISE. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Any user of this exercise program assumes the risk of injury by performing the exercises and using the equipment suggested. Except for seeing a doctor, other safety tips listed below are in no way intended to be substituted for medical counseling. ** Consult your physician before starting any exercise program, especially if you're overweight, have pre-existing health problems, are out of shape or you're over 35 years old. Please follow any precautions advised by your doctor. ** Read the manual that accompanies this exercise program. It will help you set up exercise routines. ** Your exercise routines should start with stretches and warming up exercises, go to main exercises which concentrate on specific muscles, and end with cooling down and stretching exercises. ** Wait at least two hours after eating before you exercise. ** Drink water whenever you need it. ** NEVER use quick jerking motions. Always use flowing, continuous movements to avoid pulling muscles or tearing ligaments. Always keep your back straight to prevent back injuries and your knees and elbows slightly bent. ** NEVER try to force joints and muscles beyond their range of motion. Always think about your movements and be in control. ** If exercising causes dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pains, irregular heartbeat, nausea or light headedness, then stop exercising and don't resume the exercise program until you've seen a doctor. ** If you're just beginning an exercise program, start without using free weights and gradually add weights after at least three weeks (3 workouts/week) of muscle toning. When you're ready to add weights, add the lowest weights you can find. Work up to heavier weights very slowly. ** Be sure you have enough room cleared around your exercise area so you don't hit or kick objects. ** Use the proper equipment: good athletic shoes, a sturdy bench step built specifically for bench step aerobics, weights (start your exercise program without weights). ** Be especially careful using a bench step. Check your position on the bench step frequently. You should be stepping on the center to avoid injury. Follow the instructions which come with the bench step you're using. *************************** F2----START FUNCTION *************************** This function begins running the default or chosen exercise routine. Routine 1 is the default exercise routine. Use the ROUT (F4) function just before the START (F2) function to choose an exercise routine you want to run. The following functions can be used while the routine is running: HELP, PAUSE, SKIP, SYNC, AND QUIT. **************************** F3----SAVE FUNCTION *************************** This function allows you to give titles to the exercise routines you set up. It works with the EDIT (F8) function so you can set up your own exercise routines. You are prompted for the number of the routine you want to title or ESCape to exit this function. If you choose a file, you'll be prompted to enter a title or leave the title unchanged, then this function will automatically put you into the EDIT (F8) function for the file chosen. All exercise routine files are saved in the present directory in the ROUT*.SYB format. **************************** F4----ROUT FUNCTION **************************** Use this function to choose the exercise routine you want to run (1 to 4). Then use the START (F2) function to begin running the chosen exercise routine. You are prompted to enter the number of the exercise routine you want to run or ESCape to exit this function. If an exercise routine is empty, the running time will be zero and you'll get an error message telling you what happened. **************************** F5----PAUSE FUNCTION *************************** Pause works while an exercise from an exercise routine or the DEMO (F9) is in progress. You can use it to temporarily suspend running the exercise routine or demo while you answer the phone, etc. Just hit the PAUSE (F5) key once and the routine or demo will stop running at the next opportunity. Hit the key a second time and the routine or demo will continue from the point at which it was paused. **************************** F6----SKIP FUNCTION **************************** Skip works while an exercise from an exercise routine or the DEMO (F9) is in progress. Use this function to skip the rest of an exercise and go to the next exercise. This function may be useful when you don't want to complete a particular exercise. **************************** F7----SYNC FUNCTION **************************** Sync works while an exercise from an exercise routine or the DEMO (F9) is in progress. The tempo is the speed of the exercises and the music (the program has built in minimum and maximum tempos). While exercises are running, use the "S" key to toggle sound ON/OFF. The internal music is that performed by your computer's speaker. You may wish to use one or more of these options before running an exercise routine or the demo. This function has eight options: A) Sound OFF, use the default tempo. B) Sound OFF, synchronize the exercises to an external music source. This turns the internal music OFF and prompts you to set the exercise tempo to a stereo, etc. (The program has minimum and maximum tempo values.) C) Sound OFF during rest periods. (default condition.) D) Sound ON, change the tempo of the internal music. This function allows you to control the tempo of the exercises and internal music. (The program has minimum and maximum tempo values.) E) Sound ON, use the present changed or default tempo. F) Sound ON, use the default tempo. (default condition) G) Sound ON during rest periods. S) Length of rest between sets and exercises. (The default value is 4 seconds. You can choose from 0 to 120 seconds.) **************************** F8----EDIT FUNCTION **************************** This function is used along with the SAVE (F3) function to set up your own exercise routines. When you enter this function, you're prompted to type in the number of the routine file (1 to 4) that you wish to edit. The table of exercise information begins with the title of the exercise routine (if you've given it a title) and the number of records in the file. If there aren't any records containing exercise information, the file is empty and no records will be displayed. The following subfunctions can be used on the displayed exercise routine file. You can get more detailed help on each of the subfunctions by hitting the appropriate key while you're in the editor (i.e. the letter A). A = Append an exercise record. C = Change one value. D = Delete an exercise record. E = Erase routine and title. H = Help screen. I = Insert an exercise record. M = Preview a musical composition. R = Read the description of an exercise. S = Make all reps, sets or music# the same. X = Exit the editor. A = Append: append an exercise to the end of the present routine. The function will prompt you to enter an exercise#, the number of repetitions, the number of sets, and then the music# to accompany the exercise. If you type in an unacceptable value for any one of these parameters, you'reprompted to enter a correct value to get the exercise appended to the routine. You can append up to 14 records only. C = Change: change any one value in the routine. You will be prompted to type in the record# (1 to 14) and then the column (A to D) where the value you want to change is located. Type in the new value and then confirm the change. If the change is unacceptable, the exercise routine will remain unchanged. D = Delete: delete one record# from the routine. You may wish to delete one record (exercise#, reps, sets and music#) from the exercise routine. When prompted, enter the record# and then confirm the deletion. E = Erase: erase the entire routine file and it's title. This function will prompt you to confirm erasing the file and it's title and then erase all the records from the displayed file. H = Help: this help screen. I = Insert: insert an exercise into the routine at a particular record#. This function is much like the append function except that you can insert the new record at a record# of your choice. All record#s after that point will be moved up one record#. If there were 14 records before you inserted one, then the contents of the 14th record will be lost. M = Music: preview a musical composition. There are 17 musical pieces written for this program that you may choose from to accompany the exercises you want in your routines. This function previews the music# in the tempo in which it was written. You can choose to preview all of the compositions or just one. R = Read: read the description of an exercise. Each exercise has a description which is displayed as the exercise is running. This function allows you to read that description from the edit mode. S = Same: to make all of the repetitions, sets or music in the exercise routine the same. Many times you may want to have the repetitions, sets, and or music# the same for all records in a routine. You are prompted to type in an "R"epetitions, "S"ets, or "M"usic and then asked to input the number. (i.e. If you want all the exercises to run for 5 repetitions each then hit "R" then enter 5. You will see that the reps for all the exercises are 5 when the table is reprinted.) X = Exit: get out of the editor. **************************** F9----DEMO FUNCTION **************************** This function demonstrates the exercises you can use in your exercise routines. Each exercise is demonstrated using one set of three repetitions. This version of The Computer Jockey's Customized Workout has from 1 to 7 exercises available to choose from (1 to 38 in registered version). You will be prompted to enter a starting exercise#, an ending exercise# and asked if you want the demonstration to run continuously or not. To run one exercise only, choose the same number for starting and ending exercise#s. If you then choose to run the demo continuously, that one exercise will run until you stop the program with the QUIT (F10) function. The following functions can be used while the demo is running: HELP, PAUSE, SKIP, SYNC, AND QUIT. *************************** F10----QUIT FUNCTION **************************** Used to stop running the program. You will be prompted to "R"estart the program or to exit the program (hit any other key). If you choose to restart the program, you must again choose the exercise routine you want to start unless you run the default routine.